Our neighboring cities have had some recent residential burglaries where the suspects posed as Southern California Edison workers. The first suspect distracted the victim to the rear yard explaining about some type of work that has to be done, while the second suspect entered the home taking valuables. Suspect one will say they will return later to do the work and that is the last you see of the suspect and your valuables.
Distraction burglaries have been around for some time and suspects may pose as city workers, water or electrical employees, tree trimmers, contractors, etc. Any excuse to get you out of the house and to the rear yard. Other times, they will keep you in one area of the house as the other suspects go to your bedroom.
Regardless of what the suspect may pose as, be sure you follow these important safety tips:
• Never open your door to strangers!
• Always ask for work identification, if they cannot show you one, lock the door and call the police.
• Unless it is an emergency, or you initiated the call, utility and city workers will not knock on your door. City services ends at the meters.
• If someone asks for you to go the backyard to explain any proposed work, keep them outside, lock the door and call their employer to confirm it. If it is a utility worker, call the phone number listed on your utility bill.
• You may not see the second suspect hiding outside, so never leave your door unlock to meet any worker outside your house.
• Warn your neighbors should someone go door-to-door and acting suspiciously. Especially if your neighbors are elderly, scammers love to prey on the elderly.
• Call the police on any suspicious activity.