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Food4less Workers Demand Higher Pay in New Contract

Published on Sunday, June 9, 2024 | 5:25 am

The union representing 6,000 Food4less workers announced an upcoming strike authorization vote on Saturday. Their current contract expired without a tentative agreement on a new one.

The vote will be held next week, according to a statement by the United Food and Commercial Workers Locals 8GS, 135, 324, 770, 1167, 1428 and 1442.

Food4less operates a store in Pasadena at 1329 N Lake Ave,  in the North Lake Square Shopping Center.

On May 22, the locals filed unfair labor practice charges against Food4less/Foods Co., alleging the company undermined negotiations and workers’ rights to representation.

The union alleged the company has engaged in unlawful surveillance of workers, prohibiting them from participating in union activity, blocking them from talking to union representatives and unilaterally changing the contract.

The union also claimed the company is attempting to strong-arm workers into accepting an offer that is less than what parent company Kroger provides other grocery workers in the area.

The results of the strike authorization vote were to be announced after voting ends on June 14, the union said.

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