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Guest Opinion | Mayor Victor Gordo: Be Prepared

Published on Thursday, August 8, 2024 | 4:51 am

Dear Neighbors and Friends:

I hope this message finds you and your loved ones safe and well. As many of you felt, [on Tuesday] at about 9:09 p.m. we were shaken by a 5.2 earthquake centered near Bakersfield in Kern County. There were dozens of aftershocks that followed fairly quickly and lasted through Wednesday morning.

While we are fortunate that the quake didn’t cause any serious damage or injuries, it’s a good reminder of how important it is to be prepared for any future earthquakes or disasters. I encourage you all to take some time to review and update your emergency plans and supplies. Being prepared can make a big difference in keeping our community safe.

In addition to earthquakes, we’ve been dealing with some extremely hot weather. 

Please take all necessary precautions to stay cool and hydrated. 

The City’s libraries and community centers are open and available if you need a break from the heat. Remember to check on your neighbors, especially the elderly and families with young children, to make sure they are doing okay. And let’s not forget our pets – make sure they have plenty of water and a cool place to rest.

Last but certainly not least, there’s an urgent need in our community for blood donations. If you’re able to donate, please consider doing so. Your donation can save lives and is especially needed right now.

Below, I have included some helpful information and resources on each of these issues. Remember, we are stronger together, and together we can face these challenges with resilience and care for one another.

Stay safe, stay cool, and stay prepared!


Victor M. Gordo

Victor Gordo is the Mayor of Pasadena and a lifelong Pasadena resident. 

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