The Arroyo Seco trails will clearly benefit from the current project. And we owe thanks to the One Arroyo group for its efforts and contributions since its inception seven years ago.
Going forward, we need to keep in mind some of the ongoing challenges. One Arroyo identified goals of (1) linking the “three Arroyos,” the North (by the upper golf course), the Central (the Rose Bowl and Brookside), and the South (from Holly Street to South Pasadena), (2) “comprehensive planning,” (3) raising $7 million for demonstration projects, and (4) building a $2 million endowment to support maintenance. All of these goals have been partially reached if you count much needed deferred maintenance on existing trails as linkage of the three areas, the acquisition from outside consultants of a possible plan for repairs and improvements as comprehensive planning, the raising of private contributions of around one-half million dollars and about $3 million from public grants as close to $7 million, and building a small endowment as enough to meaningfully support normal maintenance.
In short, the realities of sustaining our unique natural streambed and valley still need help from both ongoing City support and from generous donors. Let’s hope we are up to the challenge.
John Fauvre