Reunion Day at Flintridge Prep
Reunion Day had such fun energy. Generations of Prep alumni reunited to reminisce about their past, catch up with classmates and emeritus faculty, share a meal, a laugh, or a dance, and get a look at exciting new developments at Flintridge Prep. This year Flintridge Prep was were honored to host milestone reunions for classes 2018, 2017, 2013, 2012, 2008, 2003, 1998, 1993, 1988, 1983, 1973, 1968, and 1958.
Guests who joined the event earlier in the day were treated to an Insider’s Tour of FPS’ Bachmann Collaboration Building, where they learned firsthand about the opportunities in this awesome space—student leadership, global studies, the makerspace, and the jellyfish research lab. Most importantly, alumni gathered together, hugging and catching up on life, careers, and family milestones. (A special shout out to the Class of 2012, who took a group photo under “their tree”—the sycamore they donated as a senior gift.) As afternoon became evening, alumni were joined by a group of emeritus faculty members and enjoyed a lovely meal and even some lively dancing.
Flintridge Preparatory School, 4543 Crown Ave., La Cañada Flintridge, (818) 790-1178 or visit