Parson’s Nose Radio Theater proudly presents three Christmas tales – “Jes Fore Christmas,” by Eugene Field, Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” and “The Little Fir Tree by Hans Christian Andersen. These Christmas podcasts are the latest in more than fifty Radio Theater shows, including classic works by Chekhov, Mark Twain, O Henry, Moliere and many more.
Eugene Field (1850-1895) was a nationally known Saint Louis/Chicago columnist, was also The Poet Laureate of Children for his work including “Wynken, Blynken and Nod”, “The Duel” and “Little Boy Blue.
Anderson’s “The Little Fir Tree” is written from the point of view of a fir tree that aspires to be taken home by people and decorated for a Christmas celebration. Finally he gets his chance and experiences the happiest two days of his life as he watches the family open gifts, laugh, and sing. And, of course, Dickens’ Christmas Carol, adapted here by Artistic Director Lance Davis, is the well-known classic of the season.
Beginning in September, Parson’s Nose Theater returned with live performances of music and comedy at its historic Marston and Van Pelt designed theater in Old Pasadena. Parson’s Nose is devoted to performing condensed classic adaptations of the world’s greatest writers – from Shakespeare and Molière to Shaw and Chekhov.
While the theater was closed during the COVID pandemic, the Parson’s Nose company was busy producing a series of Radio Theater productions, ranging from Chekov and Mark Twain to Old Time Radio Theater. Even as the company returns to live performances, continues to produce their Radio Theater podcasts, which has been enjoyed by thousands of listeners online.