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Library to Host Two-Day Mosaic Art Workshop for Adult Residents

Creative program aims to beautify homes while building community through crafts
Published on Jan 3, 2025

The Santa Catalina Branch Library will be hosting a special two-session mosaic art workshop where participants will make mosaic art to hang in their windows.

The program, scheduled for 3 to 4:30 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 10 and continuing Saturday, Jan. 11, requires attendees to commit to both sessions to complete their artistic projects.

Library staff said that space for the arts, culture, and hobby crafts workshop is limited, and registration is required in advance through

The branch, located at 999 E. Washington Blvd. in Pasadena, welcomes three distinct adult groups: general adults, those 50 and older, and emerging adults aged 18-24.

For accessibility accommodations, call (626) 744-7272,  and provide at least 72 hours notice.

For more information, visit

This activity is a combined Arts & Culture, Hobbies/Crafts/Games program of the Pasadena Public Library.

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