“Mr. Yunioshi” is a thought-provoking theatrical production that tackles a sensitive and controversial subject in an innovative and compelling way. The play takes its name from the infamous character played by Mickey Rooney in the classic film “Breakfast at Tiffany’s.” In this retelling, Asian American actor J. Elijah Cho takes on the role of Rooney, exploring the motivations and emotions behind the actor’s decision to play the stereotypical Asian character.
Cho’s performance is truly standout, capturing the complexity of Rooney’s life and career while also illuminating the larger issues of representation and cultural appropriation in Hollywood. Cho is a talented writer, director, and performer, and his work in this production is a testament to his versatility and artistry.
The play is also a fitting tribute to the longevity and impact of Mickey Rooney’s acting career, one that spanned almost a century and garnered numerous accolades. Through Cho’s portrayal of Rooney, we see the contradictions and triumphs of a man who was at once a comedy icon and a leading man, a man who was both celebrated and criticized for his roles and relationships.
With its powerful storytelling, insightful commentary, and dynamic performances, “Mr. Yunioshi” is a must-see theatrical production for audiences of all backgrounds and perspectives. It has already won awards and garnered critical acclaim, and its continued success speaks to its timeliness and relevance. If you’re looking for a thought-provoking, moving, and entertaining night at the theater, “Mr. Yunioshi” is the show for you.
Each performance will be followed by a question and answer session.
“It is no wonder that [Cho] has been lauded for his solo performance, which will evoke both laughs and groans as his message comes through loud and clear.”—L.A. Splash
Original choreography: Jasmine Ejan. Associate producer: Genah Redding.
Mr. Yunioshi is an Official Selection of the Sierra Madre Playhouse Solo Shows Festival for 2023. For full information about upcoming events, go to http://sierramadreplayhouse.org
Covid-19 safety protocols are being observed. As of this writing, this means that audience members will be required to wear masks inside the Playhouse auditorium.