Chief of Police, John E. Perez
The Pasadena Police Foundation is hosting its annual breakfast virtually with Pasadena’s Chief of Police, John E. Perez ,at 9 a.m. on Thursday, November 12.
During the Virtual Chief’s Breakfast, members of the Pasadena community will hear about the current goals and accomplishments of the Police Department (PPD), and will see first-hand how the Foundation supports the community enhancement activities of the Police Department.
This year, Chief Perez and his staff have been working to make sure that COVID-19 policies are observed throughout the community, and have also focused on ensuring that Pasadena students are able to continue to study, even when the switch to online learning has been difficult for some of them. One of the objectives of the virtual breakfast is to raise funds for this particular effort.
The Foundation has also launched a silent auction online in support of the Chief’s Breakfast. Items at stake include a ride-along in a Pasadena Police patrol car, a ride-along in the Pasadena Police Helicopter, lunch for four at the Athenaeum, a round of golf for four with cart at Brookside Golf Course, a Dancook charcoal grill, a Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf gift basket, and a Waterford crystal bowl.
To register to bid, visit the silent auction page here. The silent auction will end November 12 at 5 p.m.
At the same time, sponsorship packages for the virtual Chief’s Breakfast are available. Visit www.betterunite.com/
The Pasadena Police Foundation was founded in 1993 to enhance the Pasadena community’s connectivity and involvement with its Police Department. As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, the Foundation assists with the planning, development, implementation and support of programs and activities of the Pasadena Police Department.
The Foundation also raises funds for outstanding programs that provide constructive interface activities between the Police Department and local youth. It promotes improvement in the performance and effectiveness of the Pasadena Police Department by funding resources, equipment and training for Pasadena’s first responders, and by supporting the Department’s volunteer programs.
To learn more about the Pasadena Police Foundation, visit their website, www.pasadenapolicefoundation.