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Talented Local High School Seniors Will Perform Wednesday in Pasadena Rotary Music Competition

Published on Mar 28, 2022

Members of the Pasadena Rotary Club and the public will witness the first round of the Dan Stover Music Competition on Wednesday, March 30, during lunch at the University Club of Pasadena.

Wednesday’s meeting will start 15 minutes earlier than usual so that as many contestants as possible could perform, the Rotary Club announced.

Every year, talented high school senior musicians compete in the Pasadena Rotary Club’s Dan Stover Memorial Instrumental Music Competition, named after musician and secondary education professional Dan Stover, who passed away in 1987.

Stover was a member of the Alhambra Rotary Club before he died. The Alhambra Rotary started the competition in Stover’s name the year following his death, and the competition has spread across most of the West Coast since then, sponsored by different Rotary clubs.

Winners of the competition can qualify for educational awards to assist them in attending an accredited college, university, or music conservatory upon high school graduation. Winners of the Pasadena Club competition and other Club competitions compete at the region and the district level, where cash prizes are awarded.

Last week, auditions were held in the chapel at the Salvation Army Tabernacle of Pasadena. The four adjudged to be the best at the auditions will perform on Wednesday.

This meeting will be both in person at the University Club, and live on Zoom as well.

To attend the meeting in person, RSVP by emailing or call (626) 683-8243.

To join the Zoom meeting, go to The meeting ID is 854 4766 7313 and the pass code is 036132.

For more information, visit

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