[Photo credit: Jurassic Quest ]
Hundreds visited the exhibit Friday, as the life-sized dinosaurs roared and peered down at their puny visitors.
According to Jurassic Quest “Dino Trainer” Bethany Mayes, Jurassic Quest is North America‘s largest and most time-expansive dinosaur exhibit, with over 165 million years of dinosaurs depicted in animated and life-size forms.
(Dinosaurs lived on Earth for about 165 million years, from the beginning of the Triassic Period to the end of the Cretaceous Period, about 65 million years ago. That’s a lot of dinosaurs to cover.)
The exhibit bills itself as the “largest and most realistic dinosaur exhibit on tour, featuring true-to-detail, life-sized dinosaurs, including a 60-foot long sky-scraping Spinosaurus and a life-size Tyrannosaurus Rex.”
“We’ve got all those prehistoric dinosaurs all moving and roaring through Pasadena right now,” said Mayes, “so if you come to say hi to us, that’s what you can expect.”
Mayes also showed off “Tyson,” one of three baby dinosaurs—including Cammie the Camarasaurus, and Trixie the Triceratops—who roam the exhibit in the arms of their trainers. There are also two “raptors,” Jo Jo and Diego, who appear in a live “training” show, throughout the day.
“There were so many eras that the dinosaurs existed in,” Mayes added, explaining that the dinosaurs are not all that the exhibit has to offer.
Depending on the ticket package, children from 2 to 10 can ride on jeeps, as well as dig for dinosaur fossils, and ride one of the animated dinosaurs.
Special 30% discount tickets are also available here with the code word, “Dino 30.”