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Council Revises Robinson Park Architect Selection

Published on Tuesday, November 26, 2013 | 5:19 am

[Updated Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2013 | 2:25 p.m.] Despite an almost split council decision and later discussion about the correctness of the vote itself, the Robinson Park Recreation Center Renovation Project can move forward once again as the Council approved 5-3 the revised process for the selection of an architect.

Councilmember Steve Madison expressed concern about the Monday vote, which had been set into motion by Councilmember John Kennedy. Kennedy participated in the meeting by telephone from an alternative location in Beverly Hills specifically for the Robinson Park discussion.

Madison said the originally approved process should stand and should not be revised.

“It was fair, it was conducted properly, it resulted in the selection of a great architect to handle this project. We should go with the results of that competition; we shouldn’t change the rules after the game is over,” Madison said.

Although Vice Mayor Jacque Robinson said she was “not comfortable with changing the process midstream either,” and described an alternative recommendation, she went on to vote in favor of Kennedy’s motion.

In a telephone interview Tuesday Madison said he was surprised by Robinson’s vote. He also said that although he disagreed with the Council’s decision, the vote is final unless a member of the majority asks to recall the vote.

“Unfortunately the process was flawed because the Vice Mayor should have been able to make a substitution motion and she wasn’t able to make that happen,” Madison said.

Madison said Tuesday he could not predict if the vote will be recalled, and said he would take no further actions regarding the decision made at the Council.

Before the vote Monday Councilmember Margaret McAustin said “It’s just a shame we find ourselves here, when we went through a process that is tried and true, I supported and continue to support this project as a citywide and community effort. But I’m very uncomfortable about changing the process.”

McAustin said she was in favor of the original recommendation made on September 16 for the Council to enter a contract with Gonzalez Goodale Architects not to exceed $750,000.

After the vote was taken, Madison said he felt “uncomfortable allowing the vote to slip away” and consulted during the meeting with City Attorney Michelle Bagneris to determine if  the correct procedures had been followed.

Bagneris said a member of the majority vote could move to repeal the vote. However, the next council meeting with every council member will not occur until January 14, which would have prolonged the architect selection into the new year.

“We all agree, we want to see the project move forward. It’s time to let the project move forward so let the votes stand. The votes have been cast, we can’t keep doing things over and over again,” McAustin said. “We need to just move on.”

Community members, who left before the Council held the second discussion after the vote was takenabout the Robinson Park architect selection process, were happy to see the motion pass.

“I am so happy we got the vote to open this up so the community would have a chance to see everyone and not just special interests,” Jim Morris said.

The updated RFP process will allow three of the steering committee members to take part in the entire architect selection process with three city staff, narrowing down an architect from the original 17 submissions. These 17 have been asked to resubmit a proposal with new formatting.

The city staff said they would move forward as quickly as possible to bring a new recommendation for the City Council to approve an architect selected by the new process.




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