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Pasadena Company’s Software Helps Law Enforcement Access Protected Files, Reveal Passwords and Unlock Encrypted Files

Published on Wednesday, June 24, 2015 | 3:20 pm

Law enforcement and security investigators will now have less difficulty in unlocking encrypted digital files and will be able to complete their work faster with a new appliance solution unveiled today by Pasadena-based Guidance Software Inc.

The new appliance, Tableau Password Recovery, will enable investigators to access protected files and even retrieve a file’s corresponding password for use in other aspects of an investigation. The solution can be used to unlock a variety of password-protected file types including Office 2007, Office 2010, PGP messages, WinRAR and WinZip.

Using TPR, law enforcement and security specialists could expedite time-sensitive work and prevent investigations from stalling.

“Our extensive background working with law enforcement agencies and digital investigators has provided unique insights into the challenges they face,” said Michael Harris, Guidance Software’s chief marketing officer. “In order to successfully conduct comprehensive investigations, it’s critical to access the relevant data and files accurately and cost-efficiently. The Tableau Password Recovery appliance will help them to simplify and accelerate the process of identifying, unlocking and re-engaging password protected files.”

Guidance Software Inc. developed the device in collaboration with leading vendors Passware Inc., a world leader in password recovery and e-discovery software for federal and state agencies and military organizations, and Digital Intelligence Inc., which offers both software and training for forensic specialists.

Passware Inc. designed the decryption technology specifically for Tableau Password Recovery.

“We are excited to provide Passware decryption technology developed specifically for Tableau Password Recovery,” Dmitry Sumin, president of Passware, said of the collaboration. “This is a major step in providing computer investigators with a comprehensive decryption solution that is both effective and easy to manage.”

The solution also integrates with the other Guidance Software trademarks, EnCase® Endpoint Security,EnCase® Forensic and EnCase® Discovery, providing users with a seamless and efficient workflow and the ability to conduct digital investigations in a timely manner.

Tableau Password Recovery is available immediately. Pricing for the appliance starts at $9,999 per system, which includes four Tableau TACC accelerator cards, 32 GB RAM, 256-GB SATA III solid-state drive and a 1000 megabits-per-second Ethernet adapter.

Additional information on Tableau Password Recovery can be viewed online at



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