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City Council Recap

Here are highlights from the Pasadena City Council's July 15, 2013 meeting

Published on Tuesday, July 16, 2013 | 11:00 am

Four citizens were appointed and sworn in as members of city commissions. They are Warren Sata, Accessibility and Disabled Commission, Sharon Calkin, Library Commission, Barbara Lamprecht, Historic Preservation Commission and Chris Gutierrez was reappointed to the Senior Commission.


The Council postponed the public hearing of the cities new Bicycle Transportation Plan. The primary reason was to broaden and clearly define each aspect of the plan.

“Our number one priority is safety; we have decided to look into the matter further so all avenues can be explored,” said Councilwoman Margaret McAustin. Essentially, the original draft written in 2010, didn’t meet the expectations of the cycling community.

According to media reports,since 2010 their have been four fatal bicycle accidents. Last Saturday alone two men sustained injuries after a bicycle collision , leaving one man in critical condition fighting for his life.

The public hearing was postponed for approximately three months.

For related story, see “City Council Unable to Review Bike Transportation Plan, Local Group Galled”


The Council also amended its contract with Opower, Inc., through 2014. The company provides home energy use reports for an estimated 25,000 residents. These reports audit the energy used in a home. In addition, customers may log onto the internet to check their status, as well as receive energy saving tips.

Pasadena resident Richard Luzinski, does not see the need for an outside interest performing a task that he feels is unnecessary.

“Pasadena Water and Power already sends us this information on our bill, we don’t need outside companies taking surveys,” he said.
Mayor Bill Bogaard initiated discussion on the designation of a voting delegate and alternate for the League of California Cities annual conference in Sacramento, September 18 through 20. The Mayor is the representative to attend and the voting delegate.

The LCC conference is an association of California city officials who work together who exchange information, and combine resources to influence policy in their community.

3rd District Councilmember John J. Kennedy volunteered to be the alternate in case the mayor is unable to attend. Councilman Kennedy expressed a desire to understand all facets of government and said he wants to leave no stone unturned in his ability to do the best job possible he can for the Pasadena community. Kennedy was accepted as the alternate.


The City Council’s next meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 26.

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