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Public Safety

Change Your Clocks, Change Your Batteries!

Published on Saturday, October 31, 2020 | 8:19 am

Pasadena Fire Department reminds you to change all of your smoke alarm batteries when you change your clocks back on Sunday, Nov. 1.

Replace old smoke alarm batteries with fresh, high-quality batteries to keep your smoke alarms ready to protect you all year long. Make sure your emergency flashlights work when you need them by using fresh, high-quality batteries.

After inserting fresh batteries in your smoke alarm, make sure the alarm is working by activating the safety test button. The fire department recommends testing all of your smoke alarms at least once a month. If you have any doubt regarding the working condition of a smoke alarm, replace it. It’s recommended that you replace your smoke alarms with new devices every 10 years.

A properly functioning smoke alarm should be placed in every bedroom and in the hallway directly adjacent to those rooms. If bedrooms are on an upper level, a smoke alarm should be installed in the center of the ceiling directly above the interior stairway.

Gently use a vacuum cleaner once a month to remove dust and cobwebs. If your smoke alarms have been accidentally painted or contaminated, replacement may be necessary.

Children often become scared and confused when a fire erupts, putting them at increased risk of dying in a home fire. So, the fire department recommends practicing your escape plans with your children. Make sure your children recognize the sound of your home’s smoke alarm and respond instinctively to its signal. Create at least two different escape routes from every room and practice them with the entire family.

With the ongoing brush fires in our surrounding communities, this is also a good time to update your disaster supplies for your family members—including pets.

Questions? Call the Citizen Service Center, 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday at (626) 744-7311.

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