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Controversial Car Wash Project Scheduled to Come Before Design Commission Tuesday

Published on Monday, February 22, 2021 | 5:00 am

Although the Pasadena Board of Zoning Appeals (BOZA) voted to continue at an undetermined date a call for review on a conditional use permit (CUP) for a car wash on East Colorado Boulevard, the item will come before the city Design Commission for preliminary consultation at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 23. 

The meeting can be viewed at

To make way for a Wild West Express car wash, four buildings would be demolished, an existing driveway approach on East Colorado Boulevard would be removed, two approaches on San Marino Avenue would be modified, a 3,490-square-foot car wash tunnel along the East Colorado Boulevard frontage would be constructed, two queuing lanes would be built to allow vehicles to make payment at a new 75-square-foot kiosk prior to entering the car wash tunnel, and two vacuum equipment structures of 168 and 212 square feet in the parking lot would be built, according to a staff report on the project.

In addition, an existing 2,580-square-foot equipment and storage building would be renovated, 32 parking spaces behind the new car wash tunnel with 30 self-serve vacuums and two for employee use would be created, three solar canopies would be constructed over parking spaces in the parking lot, an 8-foot-high  block wall at the rear of the property would be built, and an existing 2,580-square-foot equipment and storage building would be renovated. 

Various site improvements would include landscaping, paving and striping.

Some local residents have voiced opposition to the project.

“We recently moved into this neighborhood with a newborn son and puppy and intend to raise our family here,” said Daniel Bay in a comment to the BOZA, “There are already a number of cars who race down our street South Berkeley Avenue, and it would be terrible for this car wash to be built, which would only increase congestion in the area. Not to mention there are already a number of car washes in the immediate vicinity that aren’t around residential areas that can be used. Our neighborhood has a large number of young families and the construction of this car wash would be a huge net negative to the safety of the area. Please reconsider this.”

On Nov. 18, the city Hearing Officer approved a CUP for the property that is presently occupied by five buildings previously occupied by a business dealing with vehicle services, sales and leasing.

In response to public comments, the Hearing Officer added four conditions in order to address concerns related to traffic along San Marino Avenue and noise from the vacuums along the southern property line.

A site attendant would be required to direct on-site traffic to ensure that no vehicles block the sidewalk and no vehicle queues on the public right of way. In addition, vehicular traffic exiting the site would be restricted to left-turn only (toward Colorado Boulevard) to limit the cars traveling toward the residential properties to the south. 

As it relates to the vacuums located at the parking spaces along the southern property line, the machines would be used only between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. and be limited to only when customer demand would necessitate their use.

The property is located within the East Colorado Specific Plan, the Route 66 area, where a car wash may be allowed with the approval of a CUP, according to a city staff report. 

By the city’s estimates, the project is not expected to generate more than 300 daily trips, and a project that generates less than 300 daily trips is exempt from providing a traffic study.

But according to Richard McDonald, a Pasadena land-use attorney, if the business operated from 7 to 8 p.m. with 30 parking spaces, 300 daily trips would equate to less than one car per parking space being washed every hour.

According to McDonald, the car wash could result in 990 daily trips.

“We don’t want to be the victims of more traffic just to service a retail business,” said Patricia Dyer. “I again strongly out and out reject the proposed car wash and if the city would please consider a more acceptable use for that parcel of land. Abandon approving all permits for the car wash.”

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