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Family Safety Ride and Picnic Will Explore Union Street Protected Bike Lane

Memorial Day event offers opportunity to learn about navigating new infrastructure, enjoy community

Published on Friday, May 24, 2024 | 5:51 am

The City of Pasadena Department of Transportation, Day One, and the Pasadena Complete Streets Coalition are hosting a Family Safety Ride & Picnic on Monday, May 27, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The event, part of #PasadenaBikeMonth, will begin at Playhouse Village Park, located at 701 Union St.

Participants will enjoy ‘safety in numbers’ as they explore the new Union Street protected bike lane, learn about navigating the infrastructure safely, and conclude with a nice picnic in the park.

The total distance of the ride will be 2 miles, with the option to turn around at the halfway point if needed. The route is flat and entirely on the protected bike lane.

Scooters, balance bikes, and bikes with training wheels are permitted, but tricycles are not recommended.

Organizers suggest bringing water, sunscreen, a spare tube fitting the bike’s wheels, and packing your favorite picnic goodies. Helmets are recommended for all and required for those under 18.

Day One, a community-based nonprofit with a 37-year history in the San Gabriel Valley, focuses on providing “effective, high-quality and culturally sensitive public health education, intervention, and policy development.” The Pasadena Complete Streets Coalition, a volunteer group, promotes Complete Streets projects and policies in Pasadena, inspired by the belief that “everyone should be able to live and move safely in our city.”

The event, made possible by the City of Pasadena Department of Transportation, Day One, and the Pasadena Complete Streets Coalition, aims to address curiosity and concerns about the safety of the new protected bike lane while fostering community engagement. Notably, 20% of attendees at events organized by these groups are said to be repeat customers.

Details for all Pasadena Bike Month events can be found at

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