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Friends, Volunteers Salute Pasadena Animal Control Officers

Owners and their pets drive by and honk their thanks at Humane Society Headquarters

Published on Friday, April 17, 2020 | 4:57 pm

Scores of friends and supporters of the Pasadena Humane Society honked “Hello!” and “Thank you!” to Pasadena Animal Controls and staff Friday afternoon outside the Humane Society’s Raymond Avenue headquarters.

As Animal Control officers and their trucks were parked along Raymond, supporters, many with animals in tow, honked and waved and displayed signs thanking the officers.

“We’ve been honoring our Animal Control officers all week long as part of National Animal Care and Control Week,” said Dia DuVenet, Pasadena Humane Society CEO, “and just yesterday we asked the community by driving by and honking today, and so many people came out for the great event.”

DuVenet added that the officers “have been working so hard every day, protecting animals, and keeping them safe and going into homes where needed, and we can’t thank them enough for being our first responders.”

According to DuVenet, so many local volunteers have been unable to visit the shelter and continue to work.

“We miss them and they miss us, and it was nice to see them and say hello today,” she said.

Next week the Humane Society will begin a new “Adoption Ambassador” program to encourage volunteers who have been “foster” owners during the CoronaVirus crisis, to take on the animals to provide permanent adoptive homes.

For more about the Pasadena Humane Society click here.

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