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Fuller Theological Seminary to Celebrate 50th Anniversary of Centro Latino With Gala

Event will honor past achievements and launch Book of Gratitude and Honor to support scholarship fund

Published on Thursday, May 23, 2024 | 6:17 am

Fuller Theological Seminary announced it will celebrate the 50th anniversary of its Centro Latino program with a gala dinner on Oct. 12. The event will commemorate half a century of theological education and ministerial transformation among Latino leaders in the U.S. and globally.

“The Gala Dinner not only celebrates the past achievements of our Centro Latino but also aims to propel us into the future with renewed commitment,” said Samuel Pagán, a distinguished biblical scholar and theologian who will serve as the keynote speaker.

The gala will also mark the launch of the Book of Gratitude and Honor, a special initiative to commemorate the personal and professional impacts of Centro Latino. Attendees and supporters are invited to contribute to this book, which will be available digitally and displayed during the event.

Donations made through Gratitude and Honor Cards will directly support the Centro Latino Scholarship Fund, aiding Latino leaders in their master’s and doctoral theological studies. “This book represents the voices of gratitude and honor from our community,” stated Rev. Alexia Salvatierra, Ph.D., Academic Dean of Centro Latino.

Centro Latino was founded in 1974 and has been a catalyst for spiritual and academic growth for hundreds of students and professionals. 

Fuller Seminary is one of the largest multidenominational seminaries worldwide with over 3,000 students enrolled at its campuses and online.

Tickets for the gala and participation in the Book of Gratitude and Honor are available on Fuller’s event registration and donation page, at Event Registration and Donation Page.

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