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Guest Opinion | Remali De Silva: Check Your Privilege

Published on Monday, June 21, 2021 | 8:44 am

We all have thoughts — but how those thoughts manifest into actions that remain true to our original intent is where we must bridge the gap. Of course there are some who simply walk through the world with harmful intent, which we can address another time, but right now we must address those who have good intent but are often too blinded by their own privilege and ignorance to efficiently take good action.

Action at its grandest form can be protests and organizations that target injustice towards the Black community, but at it’s “smallest,” but arguably most important, action is just the way you carry yourself throughout your day.

It is important that White folks, with the privilege and intent to make change in this country, educate and check themselves. Working hard to “check your privilege” can bring your action closer to reflecting your true intent.

At its core, White America benefits and upholds oppression. Starting with the stealing of Native American Land, continuing with the capturing and enslavement of African people, building into segregated communities and systematic oppression, rising into gender discrimination, that still affects women of color, growing into the brute force of deportation, and continuing with the trauma of now, White America continues to benefit, simply put, because the minority doesn’t. While plenty of White folks work hard to support and fight for People of Color (POC), their White Privilege often distances their action from their intent.

Realizing we live in a flawed nation that continues to oppress people of color and minorities is the only way to stop America in its tracks. Taking the first step to educating yourself about slavery, oppression, and “freedom” in America is equally as important as taking to the streets to demand change. Juneteenth was a prime learning and reflecting opportunity. It’s a start, but learning and understanding is a lifetime journey, it isn’t just one and done. This journey is one that even BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) need to be open to.

The BIPOC community needs to be each other’s number one supporters! Although some BIPOC may have differing experiences — when it comes down to it we all know what it feels like to be the minority. With that said, when BIPOC are supporting one another we must also work to bridge the gap between our intent and action.

As much as this is the time for Black individuals to express their pain, this is just as much a time for White folks to confess and express their own ignorance and not rely on their “Black friends” to educate them. As a Black person we are already burdened with the immense pain of swimming against the current. Now, as we try to stay alive, we must convince others to help us build a life raft? The trouble is, White folks in America will never be able to help us, be on our side, or stand up in the Black Lives Matter movement if they are not having uncomfortable conversations, realizations, and approaches to their privilege and power. Even though it’s exhausting, these conversations should be led by BIPOC. This is our story, this is our pain, this is your time to learn, listen, and lend us your support!

Bridging the gap between intent and actions is uncomfortable, painful, and exhausting, but I like to believe that intent is just as important as action and that we all have to be patient, accepting, and strong enough, to help out one another right now. With that being said it is important that People of Color not apologize or back down when faced with “daunting” White Fragility. We matter enough to make others understand and be uncomfortable when thinking about their intent and actions.

Remali De Silva is a local freelance writer.

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