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New Job Fair Series May Help You Take Your Career To The Next Level

Published on Thursday, February 9, 2017 | 5:00 am

Landing a dream job is a difficult feat for many which seems to get lost in the mix of countless online applications, but a new job fair series at the Pasadena Hilton is sure to help you increase your odds by meeting employers face to face and make a lasting impression that can change your life.

The event series that is scheduled to come to Pasadena every other month until November give job seekers the opportunity to interview face to face with over fifteen Fortune 500 and Industry Leading companies seeking talented, experienced and enthusiastic sales, retail and management candidates at a time when polls show California’s economic confidence at a high.

“We have several companies here that are looking to hire people and we specialize mostly in sales and customer service and management. Those are the types of positions they are looking to hire and if you want to come down to hire and if you want to come down and talk directly to the hiring managers, that would be a good opportunity for you,” said Kelly Nelson of Hire Live, a national career service company specializing in Sales, Retail and Management Career Fairs, and has more than a decade of experience in connecting job seekers with industry leading companies that are currently hiring.

Applicants from all walks of life wandered into the meeting area donning several copies of resume in hand and dressed to impress their prospective employers.

“Most people are looking for growth. They want a company that’s stable, solid and where they can move up with and all the companies we have here are big companies that have growth opportunity,” Nelson explained.

Representative from large companies including AAA, Terminex, Aflac, Mens Warehouse and more were available for interfacing directly with interested applicants curious to learn more about open positions.

For Shawn Watkins of Terminex, the job fair is a valuable resource for those looking to get hired.

“Job fairs like this differ from people who just apply online because for one, you get all the applicants in one spot at one time so you can maximize the exposure and two, it gives you the actual experience in being able to meet the applicants, getting to know them in a quick form, looking the in their face–just getting a feel for what they are looking to expect from the company that you’re offering,” said Shawn Watkins of Terminex International.

According to the OC register, a survey found Californians rated current economic conditions as the second best in nine years. In other words, it’s a great time to be on the hunt for work.

“It’s pretty steady. I’ve been in this industry for over twenty years and it has its ups and down, but companies are still hiring so it’s pretty good,” said Nelson.

Most applicants that attend the job fair are looking for a better opportunity overall in addition to changing careers, according to Nelson.

“It’s a lot more personal. You’re able to actually to give personality behind your resume and not just be a piece of paper. That to me always dictates whether you get the job or not because they’re able to see who the person is and get a feel for the person and not just what their qualifications are on a resume,” said Kourtney Parker who is in between jobs.

For others, it’s a resource for networking and keeping up with job trends.

“I go to places like this to meet people and I wanted to get my foot in to see what companies are here and network with them,” said entrepreneur David Jensen who frequents job fairs for networking purposes.

“I’ve found that I get a lot more feedback when I meet people in person rather than just sending email blasts. There’s just something different about meeting new people in person and getting to know them face to face,” Jensen added.

Nelson offered a couple valuable tips for job seekers looking to attend a job fair.

“When you come to an event like this or when you on an interview make sure you dress professionally and you bring your resume. Just be really proactive because the more people you talk to–the better chance you have getting a job,” said Nelson.

Hire Live will be hosting its regular job fairs every other month until November and will feature a variety of different companies each time.

The next event will take place April 5 at the Hilton Pasadena located at 168 S Los Robles Ave.

For more information and a full schedule, visit

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