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Pasadena Congressional Representatives Sworn In

Schiff begins 11th term in Congress

Published on Monday, January 4, 2021 | 9:25 am
Adam Schiff and Judy Chu

Democratic Reps. Adam Schiff and Judy Chu were sworn into the 117th Congress Sunday by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

Schiff, a former federal prosecutor who is based in Burbank and represents the western portion of Pasadena, chairs the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and led the impeachment of President Donald Trump. The past four years, Schiff said, have been unlike any other.

“President-elect Joe Biden will soon be sworn in, which gives us a chance to turn the page on this painful chapter in our nation’s history and try to restore calm, decency and normalcy to our politics and our country,” Schiff said. “We have to.”

In the November General Election, Schiff cruised to victory, defeating attorney Eric Early with 72.7 percent of the vote.

Chu, who represents the remainder of Pasadena and the West San Gabriel Valley, defeated Johnny Nalbandian with nearly 70 percent of the vote. 

Members of Congress took the oath of office in small, socially distanced groups. 

“Our country is facing four immediate crises, all of which must be addressed urgently: A crisis in health, in the economy, with our climate, and with inequality and injustice. All of these challenges require urgent action and big, systemic change. None of this will be easy, but we must persevere,” Chu said.

“In Congress, job number one, two and three will be defeating this virus and ensuring that all Americans get the help they need,” Chu said. 

“We will need to invest in state and local health systems to dramatically accelerate the vaccination of the public, and combat misinformation, so we can bring about an end to this pandemic. We also need to take urgent action to help workers, small businesses, and families get through these crises, and any action Congress took previously is only a down payment to meet the immense need and suffering,” she said.

Schiff said Congress must be prepared to deal with the crises that will remain after the pandemic, including climate change, healthcare, wage inequality and housing. 

“In the coming years, I look forward to working with President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris to make these priorities a reality. I hope that we act quickly to make real, lasting change.”

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