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Pasadena’s Plastic Bag Ban May Be Coming Back

Published on Monday, August 24, 2020 | 3:00 am

The city’s prohibition on plastic bags could be reinstated Monday.

The ban was lifted in May as part of the city manager’s Fourth Supplement to the Declaration of a Local Emergency in response to the COVID-19 crisis.

The ban followed an order by the state prohibiting customers from bringing reusable items that may carry the novel coronavirus into grocery stores, thereby reducing the spread of the disease.

That state order did not apply in Pasadena because the city has its own ordinance on plastic bags, which took effect in 2012.

If the council cancels the declaration, the ban would go back into effect immediately, said city spokesperson Lisa Derderian.

The ban applies to supermarkets, drug stores, liquor markets, and convenience stores, where recyclable paper bags are sold for 10 cents each. The ban also covers farmers’ markets and other events sponsored by the city or held on city property.

Bans such as this one are intended to reduce landfill waste, conserve energy and resources, and promote sustainability.

Restaurants and fast-food establishments are exempt from the law because of sanitary safety considerations, the Pasadena Sun reported.

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