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Published on Friday, October 9, 2020 | 4:00 am

Citizen’s Police Academy

One of the great programs initiated by the Pasadena Police Department under the former leadership of Barney Malekian was the Citizen’s Police Academy. Average citizens like me had the opportunity to learn more about how the department operated and to witness the police in action through ride-alongs with officers. During my ride-along with my officer, he received an emergency call to go to a home where one member of the family was accused of slashing another. I waited outside while my officer went into the home to try to calm down the several family members inside. As I waited, one very distressed woman came out of the home and I joined her on the front porch as she cried and told me more about the tensions within the family. As we talked and as she was able to share her frustration with what was going on inside the home, she thanked me for listening. That was really what she needed most.

As it turned out, the woman I was talking with had slashed her biopollar brother with the top of a coffee can and caused severe bleeding. She was not a violent person but rather someone under considerable stress who had few people to talk to. My listening relieved her tension. So when the officer finally exited the house where several family members were still emotionally distraught, the woman who had caused the incident had fully calmed down. All she had really needed was a sympathetic ear, not a police officer with a batton.

Because of this experience, I fully agree with those who want to see civilians on any Pasadena Police commission. Far too many police officers come from the military and not enough of them come from professions where they are trained to listen and respond to the psychological needs of residents. We have an opportunity in Pasadena through this new commission to initiate new ways of resolving disputes and setting new standards for police conduct. And as a City, we also have a tradition of being leaders. So let’s get on with it. The nation is calling out for it.

Christle Balvin, Pasadena

Got something to say, email Managing Editor André Coleman, at

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