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Down Some Cosmic Cocktails ‘Searching for the Darkest Galaxies’

Published on Jan 25, 2022

Pasadena Senior Center’s Cosmic Cocktail Hour with Carnegie Observatories will feature Dr. Ethan Nadler, postdoctoral fellow at Carnegie Observatories and USC, as he discusses “Searching for the Darkest Galaxies: Ultra-faint Dwarfs as Dark Matter Laboratories,” on Wednesday, January 26, starting at 4 p.m.

How small is the faintest galaxy in the Universe, and what is the nature of the dark matter particle? These questions are brought together by “ultra-faint” dwarf (UFD) galaxies, which contain as few as hundreds of stars and are the most dark-matter dominated systems in the Universe.

In this online lecture, Dr. Nadler will cover the history of UFD discoveries and describe how these galaxies provide unique tests of dark matter particle properties.

Dr. Nadler studies near-field cosmology, dark matter, and galaxy formation. He works at the interface of galaxy surveys and dark matter theory with collaborations including the Dark Energy Survey, the Dark Energy Science Collaboration, and the Satellites Around Galactic Analogs Survey.

Pasadena Senior Center will charge $7 for members and $10 for non-members.

To register, visit and click the Register Online button.

For more information, call (626) 795-4331 or email

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