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Bus Driver Shortage Prompts Changes to Pasadena Transit Schedules

Published on Monday, August 15, 2022 | 5:12 am

Pasadena Transit has implemented service changes starting last month largely in response to a current shortage of bus drivers. 

Like many industries with front line labor, the public transit industry is experiencing an unprecedented driver shortage nationwide, something which has also unfortunately had an impact on Pasadena Transit, a Department of Transportation report said. 

Transportation Director Laura Rubio-Cornejo said the City Council was informed in June about Pasadena Transit’s service changes – adjusting the schedules and frequency on Routes 10, 20, 31/32, and 40 – before they were implemented. 

On Route 10, buses now operate every 30 minutes on all days of the week. 

On Route 20, buses now operate every 22 minutes on weekdays; there are no changes on the weekend schedule. 

Minor service changes were implemented for Route 31/32 and Route 40 as well. 

For the changes, refer to the schedules posted at

Rubio-Cornejo said new hiring strategies for drivers are yielding positive results, but it will take additional time to recover the number of drivers back to pre-pandemic levels. Recruitment efforts include a new and promising collaboration with the Municipal Assistance, Solutions, and Hiring (MASH) program and First Transit, the City’s transit services contractor, to provide interested MASH trainees with a job opportunity as bus drivers. 

One candidate in the program has been successfully trained and licensed and is now serving the community as a Pasadena Transit bus driver.

First Transit is also offering signing and referral bonuses and conducting other job marketing and hiring strategies to respond to the requirement. DOT staff continues to monitor these hiring efforts as well as ridership trends and on-time performance, the DOT said. 

To protect riders and bus operators against COVID-19, Pasadena Transit continues to disinfect high-touch surfaces on buses daily, provides single-use masks on buses for riders and makes available hand sanitizing dispensers on every bus. Face coverings are still required while on board Pasadena Transit vehicles. 

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