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Political Gumbo | Spiced with Facts and Journalism

Published on Tuesday, October 26, 2021 | 1:05 pm

“Facts are stubborn things; whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence,” John Adams, our second president, once observed.  

Last week, some local residents seemed to have a problem with us presenting the facts regarding campaign finance limits.

Some didn’t like the fact that we pointed out the corruption issues in Los Angeles didn’t have any bearing on what happened here. Others were upset after we pointed out that limits would not stop independent expenditures.

We have run at least five stories, opinion pieces and letters to the editor — including two on Tuesday morning — from people supporting campaign finance limits.

In other words, we covered all sides of the issue, and truth to tell, one opinion writer was allowed two pieces within our typical one month limit because the issue is so important.

That unbiased and thorough coverage led to calls from local residents who did not did not know they could view local candidate contributions online. Others had more questions about independent expenditures.

Some claimed we were doing the mayor’s bidding or secretly working for the city.

It must be a pretty good damn secret because they have even kept it from me, I have not received one check from the city. 

Also, while I am paid well at PNOW, it damn sure isn’t a City Hall salary based on what the folks under the dome make.

That’s the third job I have had foisted upon me in recent memory. During the last election a Victor Gordo supporter accused me of working for then-Mayor Terry Tornek, and five minutes later in the very next call a Tornek supporter accused me of working for Gordo. 

Ironically, both accusations were made over the same article.   

The fact is real journalism is about presenting information and facts so the reader can decide.  It’s not about taking a side, as so many people across the country seem to want the press to do. 

It was an activist that cited L.A. as a possible model for Pasadena to emulate because the much larger metropolis has an $800 campaign financing limit per person. We would not be doing our job if we did not point out the indictments over alleged corruption by L.A. city councilmembers after that claim. 

The indictments are facts.

On independent expenditures, local residents said that campaign limits would keep the Pasadena Police Officers Association and developers out of local politics.

But neither the city, nor the state can cap independent expenditures. and limiting campaign financing won’t keep them out. 

I’m not saying the council should or should not enact a campaign finance limit. I’m presenting facts on a complex issue.  

It’s great that the City Council’s Legislative Policy Committee has decided to take this up so quickly, but now the work begins.

We will continue to give you a voice to express your opinion and we will continue to report accurate information like always – and yes that is a fact.

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2 thoughts on “Political Gumbo | Spiced with Facts and Journalism

  • Thank you for the reporting.
    Please keep that thick skin – you know that if you get complaints from both sides of the same article that you are doing it right.

  • Yes, please continue to give us the facts and just the facts. Thank you for all of your good work!





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