The Chinese Club of San Marino will be partnering once again with Crowell Library this Winter when they present a series of Kung Fu classes featuring the multi-award winning Amina Materukhina as instructor. Three Wednesdays: January 13, February 10 and March 10 from 11:00 am to 12 noon, participants will learn some beginning kung fu moves by following Amina on their laptops using the Zoom platform. Classes will not be progressive in difficulty, so one can participate in any or all of the classes.
Wushu/Kung Fu champion Amina Materfukhina holds a Masters in Sports Science, Magna Cum Laude, and is a martial arts coach and personal trainer. Founded in 1979, the Chinese Club of San Marino is a social and service club that serves the entire community, promoting communication, understanding, respect and appreciation among all ethnic groups in San Marino. Due to their generous support, Crowell Library has an outstanding Chinese language collection that is highly circulated. The Club operates as a civic league to promote and support Chinese culture, arts, and education, and has sponsored the San Marino Chinese School since its inception.
These workshops are open to all, but registration is required. Sign up by sending your email to imcdermott@cityofsanmarino.org and you will receive a link to the class. If you have never used this platform, the app is free to download. If you need help getting comfortable with the platform, please contact Eric, Crowell’s Tech Whiz on Mondays or Wednesday from 1-4:00pm at (626) 300-0777 extension 544.