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Fascinating Watson Lecture: When Earth Breathed Deeply

Published on Jan 15, 2023

Claire E. Bucholz, Assistant Professor of Geology and Biedebach Memorial Lecturer at Caltech’s Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, will explore how shifts in atmospheric oxygen concentrations altered Earth’s inner workings.

Earth’s climate has not been constant throughout history. Oxygen levels in the atmosphere, for example, have increased by many orders of magnitude over time, profoundly affecting biologic and chemical cycles at the surface of the earth. These changes in Earth’s climate can be traced through the imprints left behind inside the planet.

This “Watson Lecture: When Earth Breathed Deeply” will be presented in a hybrid format, allowing for both virtual viewers and in-person attendees. No advance registration is required for either format but you may sign up for event reminders here.

Online, the lecture can be viewed via live stream on or on Caltech’s YouTube channel. Virtual viewers can submit questions for the lecturer through the YouTube chat feed. Select questions will be answered after the lecture, during the audience Q&A.

To attend in person: Local participants can attend the lecture inside Caltech’s Beckman Auditorium. Doors open at 7 p.m.

For more information, visit, or call (626) 395-4652.

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