Opening Weekend: “The Body’s Midnight” Explores Life’s Unpredictability Through an American Road Trip

Tira Palmquist's new play, directed by Jessica Kubzansky, opens at Boston Court Pasadena in collaboration with IAMA Theatre Company
Published on Apr 27, 2024

Sonal Shah and Keliher Walsh on stage in “The Body’s Midnight” at Boston Court theatre in Pasadena. [Brian Hashimoto photo]

Curtains go up this weekend  April 27 and 28 for the world premiere opening of “The Body’s Midnight,” written by Tira Palmquist and directed by Jessica Kubzansky, at Boston Court Pasadena. The play is a collaboration between Boston Court and IAMA Theatre Company.

“The Body’s Midnight” follows Anne and David, a couple embarking on a road trip to witness the birth of their first grandchild. However, their meticulously planned journey is disrupted by a serious diagnosis, forcing them to confront life’s unpredictability and the ephemeral beauty of their surroundings.

Palmquist, known for her poignant and politically resonant works, drew inspiration from a personal health crisis that, while ultimately resolved, sparked profound anxiety and introspection. 

“In that moment of profound anxiety was thinking about, well, what would I do if I had this moment in my life where I had to really choose carefully about what was going to happen next?” Palmquist said. “Part of me was  like, I would go on a road trip.”

The play’s storytelling and production design elements lean into magical realism, blurring the lines between reality and the surreal. Palmquist uses memory and flashbacks to reveal the characters’ backstories, eschewing lengthy expositional scenes in favor of a more dynamic narrative structure.

The collaboration between Boston Court and IAMA Theatre Company highlights their shared commitment to supporting new plays and fostering theatrical partnerships across Los Angeles. “One of the things that’s great about having a collaboration like this is just having all of these wonderful artists involved that you might not otherwise have met,” Palmquist noted.

“The Body’s Midnight” explores universal fears of loss and identity, resonating with audiences who have experienced the challenges of caregiving or the fear of losing a defining ability. 

Palmquist believes that the play’s themes are accessible to all.

“I think we all have moments in our life where we are faced with, well, what if that thing went away? What if I could no longer sing? What if I could no longer be out in the garden?”

Palmquist’s love for road trips and the discoveries they offer is evident in the play’s structure and themes. “There’s just something that I love the surprise of a road trip that you make these discoveries, and that’s a little bit like what it is making art,” she said. “You can’t know really what it’s going to be until you’ve made your way through it, but you have to be willing to go on that adventure of that piece.”

Box Court Pasadena Performing Arts Center is at 70 Noth Mentor Ave., Pasadena. Box office: (626) 683-6801.

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