Winter Car Care: Staying Safe and Efficient in the Cold

Published on Dec 11, 2023

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As the chill of winter descends, bringing with it cold, wet weather, it’s crucial to prepare your vehicle for the harsh conditions. In Pasadena, where the shift in seasons can be subtle yet impactful, understanding how to care for your car during these colder months is essential for both safety and performance. We consulted local automobile expert Mike Kefalas of JK Volvo Specialist on Walnut Street for expert insights into the specific challenges winter poses to automobiles and how to address them.

  1. Battery Issues: The Cold Weather Culprit

In winter, the chemical reactions in car batteries slow down, diminishing their capacity and making engine starts more challenging. This issue is particularly pronounced in older batteries. Kefalas emphasizes the importance of regular battery checks, especially as temperatures drop.

  1. Tire Troubles: Pressure and Traction Concerns

Tire pressure tends to drop in cold weather due to air contraction, impacting handling and increasing tire wear. Moreover, worn tires are a hazard in icy conditions, lacking the necessary tread depth for adequate traction. Regular tire inspections for pressure and wear are therefore essential.

  1. Thickening Engine Fluids: A Lubrication Problem

Colder temperatures cause engine oil and other fluids to thicken, hindering lubrication and fluid flow. This can strain the engine, especially during startup, and potentially lead to engine damage if not properly managed. Kefalas recommends using winter-grade fluids and regular checks to avoid such issues.

  1. Wiper Blade and Windshield Washer Woes

In cold weather, wiper blades can stiffen and become less effective, compromising visibility in rain or snow. Additionally, windshield washer fluid can freeze if not formulated for low temperatures, rendering it ineffective for de-icing or cleaning the windshield.

  1. Defroster and Heater Hiccups

The systems responsible for defrosting and heating can malfunction in winter, leading to uncomfortable driving conditions and reduced visibility due to fogged-up windshields or windows.

  1. Freezing Door Locks and Frames

Moisture freezing in door locks and around door frames can prevent doors from opening or, in extreme cases, lock drivers out of their vehicles.

  1. Suspension and Brakes: The Hidden Wear

Wet and icy roads put extra stress on a car’s suspension and braking systems. Brake pads, rotors, and shock absorbers may wear out more quickly due to the increased demands of winter driving.

To counter these winter-induced car issues, Kefalas recommends regular maintenance and specific winter checks. This includes using winter-grade fluids, ensuring the battery is in good condition, checking tire pressure and tread depth, and ensuring that the heating and defrosting systems are working effectively.

For those in Pasadena seeking expert care for their vehicle, Mike Kefalas at JK Volvo Specialist, located at 1587 E. Walnut St, offers professional services.

You can reach him at (626) 792-2240 for more advice or to schedule a winter maintenance check-up.

With these expert tips and regular car care, you can navigate the colder months with confidence, ensuring your vehicle remains safe, efficient, and ready to face the challenges of winter driving.

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