PUSD Summer Programs: Exciting Learning Opportunities Await!

¡Programas de Verano de PUSD: Oportunidades de Aprendizaje Emocionantes te Esperan!

At Pasadena Unified School District, opportunities to learn and grow continue during the summer! Its students are participating in summer learning offered by PUSD and partner organizations. They’re brushing up on their math and reading skills, making documentary films, and taking preschool dual language immersion classes, and much more.

At Madison Elementary, students in summer programs are working on math, going on field trips to the Pasadena public libraries, and capturing photos of their Madison alligators during their summer adventures to share when the school year begins.

How to Enroll:

Please review the catalog options carefully and select a program that matches grade level and interest.

For enrollment dates and how to enroll in a summer program, contact the person listed or access the program’s website. If programs have overlapping dates, families must select one program to enroll in. If you are placed on the waitlist for your first choice, reach out to the contact person for your second choice and let them know you have been waitlisted and would like to apply for their program as a second option. Your application will be noted to indicate that you are waiting for a space in another program and will only attend if no space is available in the selected program. Families who do not notify the second option that they are waiting to be enrolled into another program will be placed on the waitlist for all programs selected.

Revise las opciones del catalogo y seleccione un programa que coincida con el nivel de grado y el interns.

Para conocer las fechas de inscripcion y como inscribirse en un programa de verano, comuniquese con la persona indicada o acceda al sitio web del programa. Si los programas tienen fechas superpuestas, las familias deben seleccionar un programa para inscribirse. Si esta en la lista de espera para su primera opcion, comuniquese con la persona de contacto para su segunda opcion e informeles que ha sido incluido en la lista de espera y que le gustaria presentar una solicitud. para su programa como segunda opcion. Se anotara su solicitud para indicar que esta esperando un espacio en otro programa y solo asistira si no hay espacio disponible en el programa seleccionado. Las familias que no notifiquen a la segunda opcion que estan esperando para inscribirse en otro programa seran colocadas en la lista de espera para todos los programas seleccionados.

Visit PUSD.us/Summer for the program catalog at locations throughout the PUSD community, including Sierra Madre and Altadena.



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