Blair Students Participate in Caltech’s Junior Watson Program
Blair students and Ms. Law participated in Caltech’s Junior Watson program, invited to campus to meet with yesterday’s Watson Lecturer , Hosea Nelson, and his research group for the lecture, dinner at the Athenaeum, and a talk from an admissions rep.
About Caltech’s Junior Watson Program: In these companion events to the Watson Lecture series, groups of up to 10 accomplished students come to campus for an afternoon and evening to meet with admissions counselors, tour the speakers’ laboratories, have dinner with members of their research groups at the Athenaeum, and attend the evening talks. Caltech and the Friends of Beckman Auditorium support the program, which is free to the visiting students. For more information, visit
Blair High School and Middle School, 1201 S. Marengo Avenue, Pasadena, (626) 396-5820 or visit